Software and Hardware required

The following libraries (with minimum version) are required to run TSMorph:

intuition.library        37
iffparse.library         37
graphics.library         37
layers.library           37
gadtools.library         37
asl.library              37
utility.library          37
diskfont.library         36
icon.library             37
rexxsyslib.library       0

The following will also be used if present:

amigaguide.library       34
dctv.library             3
opal.library             0  Note: OpalVision board is not required
reqtools.library         38 reqtools is ⌐1991/1992 Nico Franτois
                            This is required for Animated Warps/Morphs
nofrag.library           2  nofrag is ⌐ Copyright 1991 Jaba Development.
egs.library              0  EGS is ⌐ Copyright 1990/93 VIONA Development.
egsintui.library         0
egsgfx.library           0
egsrequest.library       0

TSMorph-render requires a large amount of chip memory (or opal.library). If you have 1Mb then 512x512 images can be morphed (though you may have to run workbench on a 2 colour 640x200 screen). 640x512 is probably impossible without 2Mb of chip memory.

The amount of chip memory required by TSMorph can be reduced to 1/5 by setting the ZOOM parameter to OFF.